Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Super Mario Summary

Free games are awesome...but some of them are just time-killers.  Some though are incredibly good.  A Super Mario Summary is one of these incredibly good, free games.  It's based on the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES and it is exactly what it says it is.  Here's a screenshot of the first level.

Yes, level 1-1 looks easy.  But they really do get hard by 8-4.  Plus if you try and get all the coins, finish it in a specific set time, and get the tip top of the flagpole, it's a real challenge.  I've gotten an "S" grade on a third of the levels (which I assume stands for "sexy"), an "A" grade on maybe half, and I barely survive the other ones without trying for perfect completion.  

If you love old school platforming, beautiful pixel art, and something you can pick up and play for a few mintues only, A Super Mario Summary is the perfect game for you.  Plus, it's free!

A Super Mario Summary was created by a dude name Johan Peitz in a 48 hour game development challenge called Ludam Dare.  Johan also apparently created the game engine called Pixelizer, that the game was created on.

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